To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Remove the Electoral College

I hope those voices heard through this website will prompt Congress to remove the Electorial College as this country's method of electing our leader. One person/one vote. Every vote counts and where one lives is of no consequence.

Why is this important?

I lived in Japan during the 2000 Presidential election debacle and it was heartbreaking to see it through the eyes of a foreign people. (I fully expected this issue to be hotly debated at that time) This system makes no sense to them, nor to me. It had it's place in colonial America, when much of our population was ill or poorly literate, but not in this age. If the cost wasn't enough, look at the elections that were won against the popular vote. All talk is about "swing states". While I live in one, I'd feel as if I was a second class citizen if I didn't; everyone would already know if my vote (electoral) would be red or blue.

Please join me in addressing this issue and CHANGING IT. We, the people, have a voice, and I hope, through media such as Facebook, Washington will take heed and REMOVE THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE from our Democracy.
