To: Scarsdale Board of Education

Remove the Orbitron (Spinning Monkey Bars) from Fox Meadow Playground Immediately

For the safety of our children, we believe the Orbitron (Spinning Monkey Bars) should be removed from Fox Meadow Elementary School's Playground immediately as it poses danger to the lives and limbs of our children. The equipment should be replaced with something fun and age appropriate for the entire school.

Why is this important?

The Spinning Monkey Bars on Fox Meadow's playground is dangerous for our children as more than one child has been injured badly on this equipment. Children falling from several feet in the air with centrifugal force and speed have no ability to control their fall when they lose grip and can and have been seriously injured. The child of a close friend was severely injured by a fall from this equipment. The safety and security of the lives of our children while at school on school property is the number one concern of parents when they send children to school. This piece of equipment severely compromises the safety of our children who are enticed to ride it by its "fun" appearance. Even when used properly, children's legs dangle at an angle such that a child who loses grip while moving with centrifugal force and speed cannot land straight on his or her feet and might instead land on one leg, an arm or even a shoulder or neck while moving in a circle which could result in a severely broken bone (which we have already seen twice) or a spinal cord injury or paralysis
