To: Conejo Valley USD Superintendent & School Board

Remove the sugary drinks from CVUSD schools!

We the undersigned are asking that the Conejo Valley USD Health & Wellness Policy state that all drinks with added sugar including electrolyte replacement beverages (Gatorade, Powerade, Nesliquick, sodas, etc) be removed from all school cafeterias, vending machines, student stores, etc. Sport drinks/ERB’s should only be offered to athletes at sporting events in conjunction with water.

Why is this important?

As concerned parents of the Conejo Valley Unified School District, we are writing to enlist your support in cultivating a healthier environment for our children. The American Heart Association (AHA) has stated that "over the last decade, at least 6,000 excess deaths from any cause and 21,000 life-years lost can be attributed to the increase in sugar-sweetened drinks" and "Sugar-sweetened soda, sport and fruit drinks (not 100 percent fruit juice) contain equivalent calories, ranging from 120 to 200 per drink, and thus play a role in the nation’s rising tide of obesity" (AHA March 5, 2010). The sugar in these drinks often exceeds the AHA daily allowance of sugar for children and young adults. We would like more water and fruit juices without added sugar to be offered instead.
For these reasons we are asking that the CVUSD Health & Wellness Policy state that all drinks including electrolyte replacement beverages (ERB’s) with added sugar, artificial colors and flavorings (Gatorade, Powerade, Nesliquick, sodas, etc) be removed from all school cafeterias, vending machines, and student stores. Sport drinks/ERB’s should only be offered to athletes at sporting events in conjunction with water.

Please see the other petitions involving healthy changes for CVUSD:
