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To: Mayor Joe Riley, Mayor of Charleston, SC, President Donald Trump, The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, Governor Henry McMaster, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

RENAME the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge to the Mother Emanuel Unity Bridge!

I am petitioning to the South Carolina legislature, that the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge be renamed to become the Emanuel Unity Bridge to memorialize the Emanuel 9 who were tragically taken from us in Charleston, South Carolina. May it proudly stand strong and high above our great city as a beacon of hope and peace in honor of them and the resilience of our unified community in Charleston, South Carolina!

Why is this important?

We are very saddened by the tragic deaths of our fellow community members. They were so loving and dedicated to our community and are amazing example of what Charleston, South Carolina is all about. We are the Holy City and we are a unified city where we look out and love one another. Their deaths did not occur in vain. They all inspired us to be better people and to be a strong and caring community. Instead of this tragedy dividing us as intended, it unified us as never before. Our undying love for our city and humanity over-poured as we celebrated their lives and honored their legacy in Charleston, South Carolina. They were all amazing examples of how Charlestonians, South Carolinians, and Americans should be and live. I am petitioning we honor their lives in an exemplary way by renaming the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge to the Mother Emanuel Unity Bridge. I urge the South Carolina legislature to take this into consideration at their next session in order to honor the lives of these inspiring people in Charleston, South Carolina. Thank you!



2020-08-22 23:40:27 -0400

50 signatures reached