To: President Donald Trump, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Reorganzation of the Three Major Credit Reporting Agencies.

Can A Broken Credit Reporting System Be fixed and if so How, When, Where and by Whom can it be done. I have an idea. Dismantel all of them and start over. It is good to keep records and report, but not like this, not like this. (The Matrix)

Why is this important?

Yes I have been damaged by this type of credit reporting. When certain things are suppose to be removed in two years or seven years or even ten years and they are not removed, then you have to fight them to get bad reports removed and after all of that, you can apply for credit again thinking they have been removed and the credit bureau puts them back on the report, now you have another strike against you for even applying for the credit and being denied, then you are still penalized for paying items off and forclosures or repossessions that were not your fault, they are practically unfixable. Now it even effects your ability to get a job, because employers are now asking for credit checks. This is not a good system and it is helping to destroy this countrys economic balance and recovery. Something needs to be done and Equitable is the worst one of them all, because for some strange reason, they always report lower ratings than the other two, why are there three major credit reporting agences and why don't they all report the same credit rating. I now have 167 as my new credit rating since I lost my job almost 2 years ago and UC Benefits were scatterly coming in, if and when they could be reached by phone or you could go to a CareerLinks office and get directly through to them without the two hour wait.. Also when we have an enormous economic down turn our credit rating just runs off the track like a runaway locamotive, how is it the fault of the person when they loose their jobs and don't have an income. What are they suppose to do to stop this train wreck from happening. Any assistance with this horrific issue would be greatly appreciated.