To: Rep. Jack Bergman (MI-1)

Rep. Benishek: Don't blame the unemployed!

Rep. Benishek: Saying that northern Michigan has high unemployment because "people don't want to work" is petty and false. Most "Yoopers" and those who live up north are hard-working and resourceful. Congressman, retract your statement and apologize today!

Why is this important?

Congressman Dan Benishek visited Escanaba last week as part of his 100 Businesses in 100 Days tour. There, he said that unemployment is high because "people don't want to work."

Our country is undergoing one of the worst recessions in decades. Many hard-working and qualified people in the 99% are out of work, and Michigan has been hit harder than almost any other state.

THAT is why people are unemployed. It's NOT because those who live up north are lazy and don't want to work.

If you believe that Michiganders are hard-working, and believe that Rep. Benishek should retract his statement, sign the petition!
