To: Rep. Joaquin Castro (TX-20)
"Rep. Castro: Supporting Voting Rights now is right"
We need you to cosponsor and fight to improve the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014. We need your help to restore and secure our responsibilities and right to vote, not only in the nation but in Texas. We and our children thank you.
Why is this important?
I'm starting this petition because Civil Rights is not just a historical movement back in the 1950s and 60s. It is an ethnic cause, because we are all ethnic, and America is based upon our responsibility to vote, and the right to it without undue regulation. Please join me in stressing the need for Congressional legislation to secure critical provisions of the bill which the Supreme Court weakened in its decision last year. It is not only for the rich and middle class, but for all voters and future voters to correctly address this issue now. It is not partisan politics, and we need our Rep. Castro to stand in our place to argue for our rights. We elected him to do just that.