To: Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-5)

Rep. Cleaver: Thank you for supporting a Government By the People

Thank you for co-sponsoring H.R. 20, the Government By the People Act, new legislation aimed at raising the voices of everyday people in the political process. Please prioritize this bill, and help to see it past the finish line.

Why is this important?

Big money in politics is a big problem. In fact, MoPIRG and Demos found that in 2012 the top 32 donors to Super PACs spent as much money as every single small donation to Obama and Romney combined, equaling the gifts of over 3.7 million Americans. The Government By the People Act would change the way our elections are financed through a combination of matching funds for small donations, and a “My Voice” tax credit. Instead of relying on Wall Street executives or lobbyists, participating candidates would rely on the ones the founding fathers intended them to represent: we the people. Thank Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II for cosponsoring this legislation and ask him to see it pass the finish line.

