To: Rep. Bruce Westerman (AR-4)

Rep. Cotton: Be a Real Hero - Stand up for Voting Rights!

We the undersigned pledge to back Rep. Tom Cotton in his voluble and staunch support and leadership in protecting and promoting the vital voting rights so necessary to preserving government of the people, by the people and for the people of the United States of America. Free and fair elections unimpeded by special interests to influence voting outcomes by any rules aimed at making it difficult for any qualified voter to exercise that precious right guaranteed by the Constitution are the aim of this petition.

Why is this important?

The Voting Rights Act has been one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation ever passed by Congress, but last year the Supreme Court made a decision that severely weakened certain critical parts of the Act. Now, Congress can restore those protections by passing an important bill. We urge Rep. Tom Cotton to support this effort by cosponsoring a strong bill and fighting for its passage.
