To: Rep. John Rutherford (FL-4), Sen. Marco Rubio (FL-1), and Sen. Rick Scott (FL-2)

Rep. Crenshaw, Sen. Nelson, and Sen. Rubio

We, the undersigned, demand that the Department of Justice extradite Dr. Walter J. Palmer to Zimbabwe to face charges if the charges are filed for illegally hunting Cecil the Lion. Killing rare and or endangered species is a concern for the people, the wildlife and the environment of the planet.

Why is this important?

Now is the time to show the world that laws that protect endangered species should be upheld and followed in Zimbabwe and here in the United States. We are all awaiting...the people coming from all walks of life, all the animal welfare and rights advocates that you execute your power to extradite him here from our country and bring him to justice. We know that there is a process but it is time for someone who broke your law be held accountable. We have to bring this outlaw to justice!
