To: The United States House of Representatives
Rep. Joe Heck: Co-Sponsor HR 1565 to keep guns out of the hands of criminals
To keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and domestic abusers, the majority of Nevadans support requiring background checks on most private gun sales. Because Nevada is the 9th deadliest state for gun violence and has the 4th highest gun homicide rate among women, we ask that Representative Joe Heck take action immediately to make our communities safer by co-sponsoring H.R. 1565-Public Safety and Second Amendment Protection Act of 2013.
Why is this important?
Nevada is the 9th deadliest state for gun violence and has the 4th highest gun homicide rate among women. Felons and domestic abusers can buy guns on the Internet and from private sellers at gun shows. The majority of Nevadans support background checks on gun sales. Ask Rep. Joe Heck to co-sponsor HR 1565 which extends background checks to Internet and gun show sales.