To: Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-6)

Rep. Matsui: Oppose Cuts to Social Security

Oppose “Chained CPI” and any other cuts to Social Security benefits.

Why is this important?

The President is proposing to use a cut called the “Chained CPI” that will cut benefits for every single Social Security beneficiary—now and in the future. My mother, like most seniors, relies on social security for 90% of her monthly income. Any cut will force her and other seniors and disabled citizens on fixed incomes to choose between needed prescription drugs, utilities or groceries.

Our Social Security system has never contributed a penny to the deficit. The debt we have comes from a decade of tax cuts for the wealthy, unlimited spending on foreign wars and a recession caused by unregulated Wall Street speculation. It’s wrong to ask senior citizens, veterans and the disabled to pay for the greed of the top 1%.
