To: Rep. Doris Matsui (CA-6)

Rep. Matsui: Strengthen and Support the new VRA

Ms. Matsui, you must work to strengthen the new Voting Rights Act HR3899. It has several drawbacks as outlined by the We ask that you work with this organization to strengthen what has been proposed and then support passage of this critical legislation.

Why is this important?

Election Day is the one day that we are all equal. It doesn't matter it you are rich or poor; black, white, brown, or Asian; when we step into that booth on voting day, we all have the same amount of power.
We need a strong Voter Rights Act to protect that power. We know that too often politicians are trying to manipulate the vote for their own gain, and we need to make sure that voters of color, women voters, young voters, the disabled, and ALL VOTERS are protected.

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