To: Rep. Susan Wild (PA-7)

Rep Meehan: Will you support PA's Kids?

Rep. Meehan, 70% of Pennsylvania's kids lack access to high-quality preschool: Give our kids a fair start in life by cosponsoring the Strong Start for America's Children Act (H.R. 3461).

Why is this important?

Studies now show that providing low-income communities access to full-time, high-quality preschool could entirely eliminate the achievement gap. [1]

With 7 out of every 10 PA children lacking access to high quality early learning now is the time to act and support the children of Pennsylvania. [2]

An investment in early childhood education is an investment in our future; with an $8 return for every $1 invested. [3] Now THAT is bang for your buck!

Don't wait to make a difference. Act now.


