To: James Mikell "Mike" Burns (SC-17)

Rep. Mike Burns: Help Save Our Arctic

Representative Burns, we know that you know the Arctic is undeniably a remarkable facet of our planet, but industrial fishing, oil drilling, and rising temperatures are threatening to strip our world of that magic and beauty. This isn’t just happening to us today in 2014, this is something that all our future generations will be denied as well. We ask that you, as a leader in South Carolina, take the first step towards helping save the Arctic by endorsing the International Declaration on the Future of the Arctic. This charter calls for action on Indigenous Peoples’ rights, climate change, oil drilling, and unsustainable fishing. Please visit to learn more and add your name and support to the growing list to save the Arctic!

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition because I believe that silence is consent, and I am not okay sitting back and saying nothing while such a wondrous and untouched part of our planet is destroyed. There is NO going back once it's done, this is something we have to stand up for NOW.