To: Representative Tom Price

Rep. Price, Save the Middle-Class Tax Cut

Rep. Price, Save the middle-class tax cuts.

Do not hold the middle class hostage by insisting on preserving the tax cut for the top 2% of income earners. The middle class are the REAL job creators. When middle class incomes rise then demand for goods and services also rises, creating jobs.

Why is this important?

A majority of Americans support increasing taxes on the top 2% of earners. A return to Clinton-era taxes will not hurt the wealthiest Americans who are paying the lowest taxes in 50 years. If we want to reduce the deficit, this is the right place to start. It is time to cooperate with our just-re-elected president and the Senate to get something done in Washington. Republicans in the house will rightly be blamed if the country goes off the so-called "fiscal cliff" It is time to stop stonewalling and grandstanding and to do what is right for the country.
