To: Rep. Elaine Luria (VA-2), Sen. Mark Warner (VA-1), and Sen. Timothy Kaine (VA-2)

Help Prevent Gun Violence

Whereas, 87 Americans die everyday from gun violence (34 of them murdered), we, the citizens of the 2nd district and the state of Virginia, do hereby call on Senators Kaine and Warner and Rep. Scott Rigell to support laws to help prevent gun violence in this country through:
1. Universal background checks to purchase a gun from any company or individual;
2. Reinstatement of the ban on assault weapons; and
3. A limit on the size of magazine ammo clips to a maximum of 10 rounds.

Why is this important?

Every day 34 Americans are murdered with guns, more than one every hour. Every day without action by Congress is letting the equivalent of another tragedy like Sandy Hook, or Aurora, or Tucson, or Virginia Tech happen. It's past time for you to help stop the senseless gun violence. Stand with the safety of our children and communities instead of the NRA and the gun and ammo industry.
