To: Rep. Sean Casten (IL-6)

Rep. Roskam: Don't cut food for kids

When kids are hungry they struggle to learn. How can we allow kids in America to show up for school so hungry they can't focus or learn?

I urge you to oppose the deep cuts to the food stamp (SNAP) program in the House Budget.

Why is this important?

On March 17, the House unveiled a new budget plan which slashes billions of dollars from the program that does the most to help hungry kids, and we need to push back.

For decades, Republicans and Democrats have come together to support these programs, but thanks to repeated cuts, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) currently only provides $1.38 per meal, barely enough to buy a pack of gum.

The truth is, when kids are hungry they struggle to learn. Ending childhood hunger is not only the right thing to do, it’s a smart investment in our future.

SNAP benefits are currently around $125 per person, per month -- which works out to about $1.38 per meal. It might seem like a small benefit -- and to be sure, SNAP benefits are the lowest they’ve been in five years -- but to those struggling to put food on the table, it makes a critical difference.

Together we can make sure America's kids are getting enough to eat and have a fair shot at a better life. We need to let Rep. Roskam knows that we expect better than a budget which leaves kids hungry.