To: Rep. Scott Rigell

Rep. Scott Rigell: Drop Norquist anti-tax pledge

It became obvious during this past Presidential campaign that Republicans don't care about the middle-class or have no concept of how we live. The rich, primarily white Republican party seem to only be concerned about their own riches and that is why we need to let Rep. Scott Rigell know we want him to ditch Norquist's plan to tell everyone when a Representative votes to raise taxes on the rich top 2%. Rep. Rigell works for all of his constituents, not just the rich. He needs to tell us and Norquist that he is going to do what is best for the country.

Why is this important?

We need for our representatives to drop the Norquist anti-tax pledge and allow the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% to come to an end. Norquist is not relevant to our Congress as it now stands. The Republicans need to understand they were overwhelmingly defeated in this last election because they either don't understand or are not part of middle class America.
