To: Rep. Tom Reed (NY-23)
Rep. Tom Reed: Support Fair and Free Elections
The American Revolution began with citizens protesting against "Taxation Without Representation" and ended with a new Republic with the "Right To Representation." Please fight for that very basic right of citizens to vote; be a cosponsor and advocate for the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014
Why is this important?
The Voting Rights Act is one of the most important pieces of civil rights legislation Congress has ever passed. Last year's Supreme Court decision weakened critical provisions of it that Congress could begin to restore by passing this important bill. We live in New York State that has voting laws which aim to enable citizen participation and to remove unnecessary obstacles. Every United States citizen deserves an easy, equal, free, and fair opportunity to vote regardless of their state or where they live in it.
Rep. Tom Reed should support and fight for a strong meaningful bill.
Rep. Tom Reed should support and fight for a strong meaningful bill.