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To: President Donald Trump, The Mississippi State House, The Mississippi State Senate, Governor Phil Bryant, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Reparation for Slavery

In recent news, this administration has set aside $12M for a Holocaust survivor. We, as descendants of slaves, are sick and tired of being looked over when other races reap what our ancestor's built. Fair is fair, and by all means the way the United States of America has been treating the descendants of slaves is downright atrocious. Why, when it comes to anything dealing with slave descendants, is it a sensitive issue but then the administration will quickly support other races and spend money on countries to rebuild after war. Please, it's time that this government does right by the African people in America

Why is this important?

This is about getting what the descendants of slaves are owed. Every race, except Africans, have received and continue to receive reparations for what was wrongfully done to their ancestors.



2020-02-26 21:57:27 -0500

50 signatures reached