To: [email protected], Program Director of an Adolescent Dual Diagnosis Facility!, President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, an...


So the loan I took out in 1969 will not be paid off while I'm alive. There must be people in a similar situation. Even though I work in health care, shouldn't I receive the same forgiveness as teacher got in the 60's and 70's?

Why is this important?

I took out a student loan in 1969. It's 2013 and I'm still paying on it. I asked the STATE OF NEW YORK if we could work a deal out, where I can pay a percentage of the balance which is about $9000. "NO YOU MUST PAY IT OFF IN ENTITRELY!" was the response I received. I'm 62 now. So the loan I took out in 1969 will not be paid off while I'm alive. There must be people in a similar situation. Even though I work in health care, shouldn't I r3eceive the same forgiveness as teacher got in the 60's and 70's?
