So the loan I took out in 1969 will not be paid off while I'm alive. There must be people in a similar situation. Even though I work in health care, shouldn't I receive the same forgiveness as teacher got in the 60's and 70's?
Why is this important?
I took out a student loan in 1969. It's 2013 and I'm still paying on it. I asked the STATE OF NEW YORK if we could work a deal out, where I can pay a percentage of the balance which is about $9000. "NO YOU MUST PAY IT OFF IN ENTITRELY!" was the response I received. I'm 62 now. So the loan I took out in 1969 will not be paid off while I'm alive. There must be people in a similar situation. Even though I work in health care, shouldn't I r3eceive the same forgiveness as teacher got in the 60's and 70's?