To: Town of Hodge, Louisiana

Repeal Breed Specific Legislation Ordinances in Hodge, Louisiana

We, the undersigned, must repeal ORDINANCE NO: 163 ORDINANCE REGULATING THE OWNERSHIP, HARBORING OR POSSESSING OF PIT BULLS WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF HODGE, LOUISIANA AND PROVIDING FOR MATTERS RELATED THERETO passed by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Village of Hodge, La. This ordinance was passed to regulate and deter the ownership of "pit bulls."

Like many others, my dogs are family. My dogs help me cope with a lot of things. They make me feel secure and they bring joy to my life. I am a Special Operations veteran who deployed to combat 6 times, in intensive combat, in support of the Global War on Terrorism. Our job was to provide freedom and Democracy to nations who have never had such. I find it completely distasteful that when I come back to my home country, we are less free than those countries I helped liberate. There is no statistical or scientific proof that "pit bulls" are more vicious than other breeds of canine. One of my dogs is a registered emotional support dog and the other two I plan on getting them registered as well. I was informed by the Mayor of Hodge, La that the ordinance makes people "feel more safe."

It’s time that elected officials realize that responsible dog owners and the dogs themselves are not the criminals. Irresponsible people are the criminals and they should be punished as such. This ordinance has only made responsible dog owners criminals or make their lives more difficult through the use of law enforcement. The community is no more safe than it was before the ordinance was passed. Not only is the ordinance non-effective, it adds expenses to the community for enforcing such ordinances. Remember, the dogs and responsible dog owners are the real victims with these Breed Specific Legislative ordinances.

Why is this important?

I am being harassed because I own a "pitbull." I have been fined multiple times because of this. The ordinance needs to be done away with because it doesn't benefit the village of Hodge, LA. The ordinance only criminalizes responsible dog owners and the dogs themselves.