To: The Iowa State House, The Iowa State Senate, and Governor Kim Reynolds

Repeal Iowa's "English Only" Law

We the undersigned petition the Iowa House of Representatives, the Iowa Senate, and the governor to repeal Iowa's "English Only" law currently on the books. The "English Only" law marginalizes and demeans non-native English speakers, decreases the likelihood of creating and maintaining multilingual courses and entire schools, and gives all students the false impression that languages beside English are unimportant for them to learn, even though most other countries on the planet promote multilingualism within their educational institutions.

Why is this important?

The "English Only" law currently on the books in Iowa marginalizes and demeans non-native English speakers, decreases the likelihood of creating and maintaining multilingual courses and entire schools, and gives all students the false impression that languages beside English are unimportant for them to learn, even though most other countries on the planet promote multilingualism within their educational institutions.
