To: Lebanon Board Of Selectmen

Repeal Lebanon Rescue Enterprise Acct, Require Resident Approval

Repeal the Lebanon Rescue department's enterprise account, changing it back to a standard account. Thus requiring Lebanon Rescue to complete the customary budget process and get spending approval by residents via the routine referendum process like other town departments do, i.e... Fire, Roads, EMA, Library, General Govt, Recreation..etc.

Why is this important?

Lebanon Rescue had it's account changed to an Enterprise account last year. This change meant Rescue does not require resident approval for spending and budgets as is is done for ALL other town departments.

Immediately after the change, the department committed the town to tens of thousands on new equipment purchases and also never clearly explained the financing of the new ambulance purchase. This was even after being pressed by the Budget Committee and Residents during the last the Town Meeting.

The point is residents had NO SAY in this extra spending or ANY of the spending. The purpose of this petition is to change the department account back to a standard account as it always was, once again requiring residents approval of the departments budget and it's spending as is done for all other departments via annual referendum vote.
