To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee

Repeal Levy Equalization Legislation

Repeal Levy Equalization Legislation! If voters outside King Co. want charter schools, let them have them. However, our current system of sending them $0.40 of every dollar we tax ourselves in Seattle for public education needs to stop. Our local levy money needs to stay here in Seattle and King Co., not be sent east to support charter schools.

Why is this important?

Voters outside of King County have just approved I-1240, Charter Schools. Charter Schools waste taxpayer money, and have failed to demonstrate any success over traditional public schools.In fact, while only 17% of charters show better results than public schools, 38% do worse. A recent study called them "engines of racial segregation". Well, if voters outside King Co. want them, let them have them. But if they want to waste our insufficient tax dollars on charter schools, they should NOT be getting $0.40 of every levy dollar we tax ourselves in Seattle. We should repeal the Levy Equalization Legislation, and keep our local levy money in local schools, NOT outsourced to failed experiments.
