To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Repeal "No Child Left Behind" in favor of a holistic approach to education.

Repeal "No Child Left Behind," which is failing our students and weakening our nation. Implement a holistic approach to public education in order to develop the strength of individual students, thereby grooming them to contribute valuable skill sets to society.

Why is this important?

State testing should not be used to dictate curricula nor deprive struggling schools with needed funding. Rather, it should be a tool to identify a student's academic strengths and natural proclivities.
The discouraging results of the punitive policies of "NCLB" have led to: increased class sizes, school closures and furthermore, have reduced educators to "teaching to the test"; thereby defining a limiting notion of academic success.
End the proliferation of "high stakes testing" mandates beleaguering our public schools. Cease and desist the promotion of unqualified tests which serve to benefit the test makers but not the test takers. Stem the flow of tax dollars away from for-profit corporations. Halt the march towards de-professionalization of educators. Acknowledge that the corporate model does not produce positive results in the classroom.
Channel resources back into the classroom in order to compensate dedicated teachers, hire new teachers (who have invested in classical training), provide class materials, and support programming which enhances public education. It is crucial that we invigorate the public education system with well-rounded curricula which strongly supports the arts, foreign languages, science, technology, crafts, appropriate training in a broad range of physical education and good citizenship opportunities, as well as the three Rs. In this way, we would be enabled to invest in successful individuals who are well-primed to makes valuable contributions to our social fabric.
