To: Joe Duggan, VP of Pheasants Forever, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, and Governor Tim Walz

Repeal of Mn. Statutes 273.117 Conservation Easement Property Tax Valuation.

In 2013, the Minnesota Legislature passed a law that prohibits county assessors from lowering the land value on property enrolled in a conservation easements program. This is a serious blow to restoring our prairie landscapes and protecting our water quality. It makes little sense to tax something for what it was (cropland) instead of what it is (grassland/wetlands).

Why is this important?

In the past 30 years conservation easements have been used extensively to protect and enhance soil, water, and wildlife. This is a very serius blow to conservation in Minnesota. This law is sure to stop much of the water quality/quantity, and wildlife work being done on privately owned lands in Minnesota. Landowers will be punished for their good behavior and their interest in conservaiton by continuing to be taxed at a cropland rate.