To: Paul D. Fraim, Mayor, Paul R. Riddick (Ward 4), Council Member, Anthony L. Burfoot (Ward 3), Vice-Mayor, Barclay Winn (Super Ward 6), Council Member, Bernard A. Pishko, City Attorney, Kenneth Cooper Alexander, Virginia State Senator, Cit...

The General Assembly and U.S. Congress: Repeal the Prohibited City of Norfolk, Virginia At Large ...

PO BOX 9901
[email protected]

We, the undersigned citizens and registered voters of Virginia and of the United States, do hereby file this petition upon the Virginia General Assembly, and U.S. Congress to repeal the aforementioned acts of the Virginia Assembly, and remove the named of officials, for illegally disobeying Collins mandate, enjoining at large city council elections in Norfolk, and thereby, committing known, high crimes, misdemeanors, and dereliction of their legal duty.

We formally request that you contact your representatives and demand a repeal of the City of Norfolk, Virginia, outlawed At Large City Council Election of Mayor system when the U.S. Congress and General Assembly reconvenes in January.


U.S. Citizens, Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Friends, and Family United Front for Justice for UFJ

The President Obama
The US Attorney General
The Virginia Attorney General
The Congress
The Governor of VA
The VA State Senate
The VA State House
The Virginia General Assembly

Why is this important?

Repeal of those provisions of the city charter relating to prohibited at large city council election of mayor, a voting member that diluted African-American voting power on council. It passed the General Assembly and signed into law by Governor Mark R. Warner on March 28, 2005, SB1174, which is Chapter 893, and HB2739, which is Chapter 897. See: Collins v. City of Norfolk 883 F.2d 1232: 1989 U.S. App. LEXS 12398, in which the U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the District Court by mandate to enjoin at-large elections for City Council and from implantation of a new plan until approved by the Court.