To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Repeal the 16th amendment, replace with National Sales Tax
We the people of the United States of America want you to immediately repeal the 16th admendment to the constitution, stop taxing our income and eliminate the IRS except for agents needed to collect back taxes. Furthermore, we want you to pass a new admendment that will establish a national retail sales tax as outlined at
Why is this important?
Income taxes are a deterrent to economic prosperity and the 16th admendment that allows income taxes needs to be repealed. Without income taxes everyonoe would have more money to spend and large companies would flock to the USA to build factories and improve our economy. A national sales tax would generate enough money for the government as it now gets from income taxes and the price of retail goods would remain about the same since from manufactures, to wholesalers to retail stores could make the same net profit since they would not have to account for income taxes in their calculations. This would be fair since those that spend the most would pay the most in taxes, there would be no loopholes, US companies could better compete with foreign companies and people that visit the USA would support our economy when they purchase things in the states. .