To: President Donald Trump

Repeal the Mondale Act

US Senator Kay Biley Hutchinson CPS Policy and Procedure Law 1230 passed. REPEAL MONDALE ACT
Departmental income has become more important to CPS and their offices than actually finding abused children and protecting them. Each and every time they remove a child from the home, they get paid from the Federal Government. Here they are: 1. Public Law 93-247 known as the Mondale Act of 1974. 2. Public Law 96-272 known as the Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act of 1980 3. Social Security Title IV-E funds. The ASFA- Public Law 105-89
known as American Safe Families Act of 1997 is one of the most horrific laws on the books today.
While it sounds nice in the title, when you get through the legal jargon, what this means is so wrong. If you ever had a child removed from your house by CPS, even UNFOUNDED and you are innocent, they will take that child in minutes after the child is born! Babies are highly adoptable .
I had a Grandchild that I raised from birth taken from Private Christian school and thrown into Orphan adoption with no charges against me. We are Heartbroken...The family forbid us to have contact after the adoption ordwer was signed, NEW LAW INDICATES OUR 4TH AMENDMENT RIGHTS WERE VIOLATED. CHILD WAS TAKEN 4 MONTHS AFTER CPS LAW 1230 WAS ENACTED..PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO REPEAL THE MONDALE LAW. THANKS. KATIE CALDWELL

Why is this important?

I raised my Granddaughter from birth, and was working on my Masters Degreee. I had never been in trouble with the law. Child's mother signed her rights away to avoid a drug test, and CPS came into Private Christian School and removed Haley and threw her into Orphan adoption. I found CPS policy Procedure Law 1230 enacted 4 months before Haley was taken, CPS testified under oath that there was no 'eminent danger' ...testified they took her "Because they werent sure I would take her to her follow up appointment at the dentist." This deposition is Public Record. I wrote to State authorities about the Court proceedings, and the Judge was so angry at me for standing up to him that he adopted Haley out to strangers. I raised her for 6 + years, and some strangers decided that she would forget me if they cut off all contact with her and I. There was no eminent danger, no charges. In addition to Repealing the Mondale Act, we need CPS reform. Thank you for listening. Katie Caldwell
