To: Rep. Ben Luján (NM-3), Sen. Tom Udall (NM-1), and Sen. Martin Heinrich (NM-2)

Repeal the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act

The U.S. Postal Service is the only business or government agency required to prefund their retiree benefits 75 years in advance at a cost of $5.5 billion dollars per year for a 10-year period. Repeal the Postal Accountability Enhancement Act of 2006 and let the post office thrive and serve us as it once did.

Why is this important?

My local post office was forced to cut back to 4 hour per day service, and a good full time, secure job was lost. The problems the USPS faces were created by the passing of the PAEA, and they can be solved by the repeal of this measure. The postal service is not broken, and worked well and economically until they were forced to prepay retirement for 75 years, for future employees not yet born. This bill is destroying this wonderful 235 year old institution that we all love. And for those of us in the wonderful villages of New Mexico, the post office is the center of the community. Let's save it!!