Gun violence is out of control. Citizens should be able to sue gun manufacturers and sellers for injury or death of their loved ones, as was the case before 2005 congressional action.
At the very minimum, this Act should be amended to say that manufacturers have a legal responsibility for installing the latest ID/safety features available on the market (such as technology which includes specific marking of bullets that matches them to specific guns, and fingerprijnted lock-out that prevents use of a gun by anyone other than the owner. If they can't be made liable for injury or death, the least we can do is make them (and their customers) liable for paying the additional cost of greater safety features to protect the rest of us.
I believe Martin O'Malley has proposed that the Federal government (as a large buyer of guns) impose this condition on future purchases as well.
We may not magically be able to get rid of the guns that are mowing us down, but let's at least move the ball down the field to greater safety for all potential victims!
Why is this important?
My husband and a lot of my friends work at the local state college. I don't want to be receiving meaningless "thoughts & prayers" should anyone choose to shoot up their workplace also. I'd like the greatest possible protections in place for such innocent victims, and I don't think a national security state such as we've become since 9/11 should have qualms about doing that for its own citizens.