To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Repeal the right to work law in florida
" Repeal the right to work Law Florida"workers must have a voice stop exploitation of workers by their employers.
Why is this important?
The right to work law, gives employers the right to exploit workers, denying them the right of union representation and puts the workers completely at the mercy of the employer. I worked at a secure mental health facility and the facility was due to move to another site miles away, they also wanted to shed some of the staff but did not want to lay them off or fire them because they did not want to pay out for doing so therefore they decided to make the lives of some of the employers so un-bearable that they would quit of their own accord. I have a degree and one day the supervisor told me and another colleague to go outside in the blazing sun and sweep the front of the facility which was half the size of a football field with a broom of course we refused and felt we had no choice to quit right there and then, there plan worked, we had no recourse because of the"Right to work law" in Florida made sure of it.