To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Repeal The Sequester

Please repeal the Sequester Act. This was an entirely unnecessary inclusion to the debt ceiling compromise in 2011. It can and must be repealed NOW before it takes effect. The effects of the Sequester will devastate our already fragile economy, including more unemployment, cuts to the FDA (less meat inspecters, less meat available), cuts to the CDC, Airport Security, Head Start programs, the Nuclear Regulartory Commission, just to name a very few leaving out all mention of the cuts to the military.
There is no need for these hatchet cuts to take place. Stop this nonsense now and repeal the Sequester Act.

Why is this important?

Congress passed the Sequester, they can repeal it. It's as easy as that.
Then we wouldn't be facing these draconian cuts to our most still very fragile economy.