To: President Donald Trump, The Tennessee State House, The Tennessee State Senate, Governor Bill Lee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Repeal the Sequester. Stop the Furloughs.

Repeal the Sequester. Stop the Furloughs. The health care of our Army Community is high priority. We serve the active duty, family members, and retirees of the brave who defend our freedom against terrorism 24/7. Let us work to continue to serve them by providing the best healthcare they deserve!

Why is this important?

If the furloughs are not stopped, every Civilian Service employee at every military hospital will be cut 8 hrs per week which will drastically reduce patient access to medical care which already is critically less than what is needed. Our military service men and women, their families, and retirees have made great sacrifices and deserve the health care they have earned, and nothing less. Our patients will then have to seek the medical care they need elsewhere which will cost at least 1.5 times the cost for their care if provided at the military hospitals by Civilian Service employees. Repeal the sequester, stop the furloughs!
