To: The Massachusetts State House, The Massachusetts State Senate, and Governor Charlie Baker

Repeal the surchargeable portion of M.G.L.c.85, sec 15

Insurance Companies should not be allowed to make this a surchargeable offense.

Why is this important?

Beginning tomorrow, if you have windshield wipers on in Massachusetts, you must have your headlights on. It's a good law; I have no issue with it. However, not only is it a ticketable offense if you are stopped, but the insurance companies are allowed to add a surcharge onto your insurance. That is dead wrong. They get enough from us and this is going to hurt those who can least afford to pay any more than they do already. It does not affect me, I have a new car so my lights are always on. But it infuriates me that they are getting away with making this a surchargeable offense.
