To: The United States House of Representatives

Repealing "The Patriot Act "

We the undersigned want the Patriot Act Repealed.

Why is this important?

The Patriot Act (P.A.) has taken away my
Constitutional Rights as an American.
My fore fathers fought against outside government
And the P.A. does that and even more unconstitutional
things against the citizens Bill Of Rights. Therefore repealing
the P.A. would then restore our sovournty(sp)?
Back to where out once was.
No one group of representatives should have the right to change the Constitutions Perameters or Framework of a Historical Document we have lived by as a peaceful nation.
In doing this repeal we will also be attempting to change the Protocal of the C.I.A. & Homeland Security preventing them from staging and performing accidents at home and abroad to give our government a reason to retaliate.