To: President Donald Trump

Replace Race on Government Applications

Over the past 30 years, advances in genetics and Human migration research, have taught us that each of Man's Ethnic branches are connected to the same Human Family Tree (1). We now know that all of Mankind's oldest and deepest roots are grounded in Africa, and that consequently, every Ethnicity's oldest ancestor was Black (1).

If it makes no sense to categorize dogs and cats into different Races, based upon the color of their fur or shape of skull, then surely we can abandon this misguided and divisive notion as being applicable to People today (2). I propose that the construct of “Many Ethnicities; One People ” is most congruent with the overwhelming, Human migration research (3). By properly distinguishing Ethnicity from Race, each individual and group can embrace their unique, cultural heritage, and ultimate inclusion into the Human Family (3). From children's books to data collection, I believe that it is time to mainstream the scientifically supported “One Human Family” truth into our educational, business and social communities (3).

PLEASE complete the form below to sign a petition urging your local Representative to pass legislation which replaces the historical blunder and senselessness of racial categorization with accurate and flexible Ethnic options on all government forms and public matters. Since we all come from the same root, any term indicative of "race" is simply obsolete.
Thank you.

1) ,
(2) Dr. Melanie Allen Ph.D. & Stephen Mollner WGA/West, 2009
(3) Stephen Mollner,

Why is this important?

The inaccurate concept of multiple Races no longer is supported by scientific fact. Continuing to divide people into separate Races, as opposed to Ethnicities, perpetuates Racism. To expedite global unification, people need to be exposed to education and knowledge that demonstrates how each of us belongs to the same Human Family Tree and One Human Race, regardless of ethnicity, as proven by mitochondrial DNA genetic research, and human migration research over the past 24 years.
