We are urging President Obama, the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, and the FCC to keep the Internet accessible to the majority of users by keeping the Internet a neutral zone. Stop the proposed costs that may be imposed by big business.
Why is this important?
I am a retiree, a part-time employee working from home, a parent and a grandparent, and one of the primary ways I hear from my family and friends living four or more states away is through the Internet via a smart phone connection, Skype, Facebook, or texting. I am able to work from home only because I can email, do research, etc. If I were unable to do this or if it cost me more than it currently does for connectivity, I would not be able to supplement my income, which is essential for my ability to live independently. I believe President Obama would support my ability to do these things without paying additional costs and fees. I supported him and the tenets he espoused in both elections.