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To: President Donald Trump, Governor Larry Hogan, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Request Reparations for African Americans

African Americans deserve Reparations. The Jewish community and the Japanese received reparations. Why are African Americans any different.

Why is this important?

It is vital African Americans receive Reparations for damages sustained from slavery that continues to affect African Americans today. Slaves were sold, families were destroyed, making it almost impossible for African Americans to find distant family members, creating the possibility of one to marry a distant family member. Many African Americans unknowingly suffer PTS, due to the constant beatings, lynching and intimidation that took place. African Americans were treated like animals, and not allowed to read. African Americans continue to make less than white people who work in the same position. Jails are full of blacks who never committed the crime. The movie Birth of a Nation depicting African Americans as savages still lives in the hearts of the racist today. African Americans were tricked out of their land and homes, they were taught to distrust one another, African Americans have been humiliated and degraded. Slaves were beaten until they stop using their birth name and use the name of the Master. No other race of people were made to forget their name. African Americans history ends for many at the plantation. Slave children were used as feet warmers or worst. African American woman were use to feed white babies until they had no mink to feed their own babies. We are in 2014 and racist people continue to walk the fine line of injustice and impose fine line sanctions on African Americans. Most African Americans have a low self esteem. African Americans did not ask to come to this country. Our ancestors were placed in chains and forced. Slaves were stripped and sold on auction blocks like chattel, after laboring in the hot sun some were beaten for mare entertainment. African Americans fought in the war for this country. The African American community deserve Reparations. Ta-Nehisi Coates summed it us best; 250 years of slavery. 90 years of Jim Crow. 60 years of separate but equal. 35 years of state sanctioned redlining. I don't care if it is $5,000 to each African American, the injustice needs to be acknowledged monetarily. I ask God to let this bill pass. Let the healing begin. PJPM



2020-06-24 18:45:09 -0400

100 signatures reached