To: Kamala Harris, Senator
Senator Kamala Harris: Come Out Against Dakota Access Pipeline
We ask newly elected Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) to make a statement against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Why is this important?
I am a California citizen who voted for Kamala Harris in the 2016 elections. One of the main reasons I supported her was her fierce stance on protecting the environment.
On her website it states "For too long, Congress has refused to pass any legislation to fight climate change and global warming."
However we have not heard her stance on the Dakota Access Pipeline, which is now gathering national and worldwide attention.
As a supporter, I would like to know her stance on this issue.
On her website it states "For too long, Congress has refused to pass any legislation to fight climate change and global warming."
However we have not heard her stance on the Dakota Access Pipeline, which is now gathering national and worldwide attention.
As a supporter, I would like to know her stance on this issue.