To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Request to form a Deptartment of Firearm Registration

Would you submit and/or support a bill to the assembly which establishes a Department of Firearms which would register all firearms in California and license all firearm owners and users, this would be modeled on the Department of motor vehicles. Owners of firearms would be expected to have no more than 3 firearms in their possession and be covered by insurance for any damage caused by their weapons. Licensing the users of firearms would also be similar to the licensing of drivers passing a test on safety and use of guns and the laws governing the possession and use of firearms. People who have recent arrests for abuse of alcohol or domestic violence would not be permitted to be licensed and therefore would not be able to either use or possess firearms.

Why is this important?

Concern over the number of deaths due to firearms
