To: Conn Hickey, Rana Barar, Kate Crist, Sharon Sagar, Chris Lyons, John Kirk, Kristi Kimball, and Roni Adams
Request to Ross Valley Charter to Rescind Prop 39 Request
SaveRossValleySchools respectfully requests that the Ross Valley Charter (RVC) rescind its Prop 39 request with the State of California by January 13th, 2017. By providing this opportunity of choice for only a small portion of our student population, we have seen our community fractured and believe that it will have long lasting educational and financial consequences for our children. The school district has a history of demonstrating its willingness to embrace parents’ desire for changes in our schools. As a result, we believe that RVSD can provide an enriching education for all of our children.
We believe the Ross Valley School Board and RVC already share the following educational goals of developing:
· Independent learners
· Problem-solvers
· Effective communicators
· Creative and adaptive thinkers
· Individuals who persevere
· Caring global citizens
· Academically prepared students.
With agreement on these foundational components, we see no need for two different school programs.
As supporters of SaveRossValleySchools, we share the strong desire to provide a unique social, emotional and academic program befitting all of the children in our schools throughout the Ross Valley area. These principles are steadfastly embraced by our community and are on display every day in our traditional district classes.
We believe the Ross Valley School Board and RVC already share the following educational goals of developing:
· Independent learners
· Problem-solvers
· Effective communicators
· Creative and adaptive thinkers
· Individuals who persevere
· Caring global citizens
· Academically prepared students.
With agreement on these foundational components, we see no need for two different school programs.
As supporters of SaveRossValleySchools, we share the strong desire to provide a unique social, emotional and academic program befitting all of the children in our schools throughout the Ross Valley area. These principles are steadfastly embraced by our community and are on display every day in our traditional district classes.
Why is this important?
We must unite and move forward together.