To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Require Animal Cruelty to be a felony in all states.

Currently, all but 3 states have a charge of animal cruelty as a felony offense. Idaho, North Dakota, and South Dakota have no such laws. In addition, only 14 states have a law that allows for a temporary or permanent ban on animal ownership as a part of sentencing.

Let's stand together and make "ALL STATES" adhere to strict felony laws against animal cruelty and a ban on "ANY" pet ownership after a felony conviction. Will you join me?

Why is this important?

Do you abhor animal abuse and cruelty. Do you know if your state has felony laws against cruelty to animals? Let's stand together to get all states to make it a felony offense and to ban pet ownership for any felon convicted of animal abuse no matter what state they live in.
