To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Require Congress to Live Like US!

28th Amendment
1. Congress shall pass no law nor receive any privilege for its members (except for salary) unless all US Citizens receive the same benefit or privilege.
a) The Supreme Court members shall also receive no special privilege or benefit (except for salary) as mentioned above.
b) Congress shall not receive an increase in pay unless either: The National Budget is balanced OR the National Minimum wage is increased.
2. Congress Shall be limited to 2 (two) terms total.
a) The President Shall be elected by popular vote (eliminating the Electoral College).
3. All Elections for Congress and the Office of President:
a) Campaigns shall be no longer than 12 weeks before Election Day.
b) Shall spend no more than $2 million per seat, by the candidate, the party, the cause or any person or entity on behalf of said candidate or cause. Presidential candidates are limited as above to $2 million per state. *
c) Political & Election contributions shall be limited to one per election per person of no more than $100.*
*Congress may change these amounts every Census, to an amount equal or less than the cost of living increases for Social Security.
d) Persons shall be defined as Human Beings.
e) Corporations are not people, therefore do not get civil liberties, also corporations cannot donate to political campaigns and shall be regulated by State and Federal laws.
4. All members of Congress, The President and all of the staffs, representatives of the elected official shall when meeting with Lobbyists, representatives, or any persons concerning government shall be recorded for public viewing.
A) All elected officials, their staff & representatives shall not be allowed to work for a period of 10 years (after employment, service or term) for any lobbyist, company, consultants, or any firm, which the Government or Elected Official (or staff) has also had any Business or legislative mingling.
B) Eminent Domain shall only be exercised by Government.

Why is this important?

Congress wont solve any problems if the system let's them live and work in another reality than the normal citizen.
Also recent Supreme Court decisions can only be overturned by an Amendment (or them to over turn their own ruling),
this Document, the 28th Amendment is to Help fix what is wrong with the system, that the founding fathers could not have foreseen.