Require employers to carry Disability Insurance for those who go off work for health issues etc, because it can only be done through a payroll deduction. they require Unemployment Insurance pays you if you if you are able to work, but it will not pay you if you are unable to work.
Why is this important?
The government makes employers carry unemployment insurance to help their employees that are off work and bodily able to work, yet they DO NOT require them to carry Disability Insurance which covers people who are off and CAN NOT work due to health reasons. You are not allowed to draw the unemployment if you are not able to work. So therefore you have no income while you are off sick. This is not a fair scenario. It is time to change this, as you can only get disability insurance through a payroll deduction. I was affected by this in June 2011 and June 2012 where I was off for 2 months both times with major surgery and had no income at all and lost everything I had, including my house, car, and furnishings.