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To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Require Ingredients and Nutrition Facts labels on Alcoholic Beverages.

Require beverage manufacturers to label nutritional information and an ingredients list on bottles and cans of beer, wine, hard liquor, and all other alcoholic beverages.

Why is this important?

As of now in the United States, there are almost no regulations on what ingredients are to be listed on a can of beer, or Mikes Hard (or any other malt). There are no ingredients list, and no calorie information required. Alcoholic beverages should be no different then normal soda and juice when it comes to nutritional information listings. There is no reason beer companies should
be able to slip in whatever kind of preservative, sulfate, or artificial flavoring into their drinks without us knowing. This petition is for getting the Nutrition Facts label and Ingredients list on all alcoholic beverages (including hard liquor and wine) sold in retail stores across the United States, and making it a lawful requirement.



2022-07-27 19:31:50 -0400

25 signatures reached