To: President Donald Trump, The New Jersey State House, The New Jersey State Senate, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Require Labels for Monsanto Produce

Require the providers of fresh produce to label that produce with the company that provided the seeds used to grow it. The public should know what company designed the seeds for their food.

Why is this important?

As the engineering of seeds (either through genetic modification or cross-breading) has become bigger and bigger business, consumers have no way of knowing where the seeds for the produce they eat originate from. This buffers companies like Monsanto, which has elicited public criticism for questionable and aggressive business practices, from public boycotts.

It also increases the momentum towards fewer seed varietals and subspecies being available for consumption. For instance, we used to have 307 different varieties of sweet corn available for commercial distribution in 1903. Today we have only 12. (Source: Rural Advancement Foundation International).

We, the public, should have access to information on the origins of our food. Let's require grocery stores to label the source of the seeds for their produce as well as the location it was grown.
