To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Require that all data brokers be accountable and transparent.

Create a means of allowing people who are listed by data brokers to have a way to modify or remove some or all of the text of their listing.

Why is this important?

These lists such as "White Pages" or "Intellius" contain information which allows criminals to gather personal information. This is a dire and immediate threat to our privacy and safety. Data brokers should provide a means for people to remove or correct their listing. I have had numerous experiences, as many people have, of scam artists getting access to my personal information and attempting to involve us in various criminal actions.
Senator Rockefeller created Senate Bill 2025 "Data Broker and Transparency Act" which now sits in committee. The House of Representatives should enact a similar bill, perhaps making it stronger, and requiring that data brokers obtain our permission to list our data. This is, after all, our personal information.
